Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Breast Cancer Pictures That Occur To Women

Breast Cancer Pictures.
Cancer. Yes, the word does not sound familiar to our ear and reluctant imagine if we have the disease. But in fact, have cancer ranks second as a cause of death in the world, where each of his first hour there are about 5-6 people who died, every 10 minutes there are 2-3 new people with cancer, and the sad fact is 1 in 10 womens in industrialized countries are also suffering from advanced cancer.

Based on the hispatologi research results, there are 5 types of cancer which is most often experienced by women in general, they are namely cervical cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer / ovarian, skin cancer and the last rectal cancer.

On this occasion, we will discuss about breast cancer in general with a few breast cancer pictures of the sufferers.

Main Factors Which Can Cause Breast Cancer

Every woman can have a probability that can be higher or lower, depending on several important factors, such as age at first of menstruation, genetic factors, family history, socio-economic, lifestyle changes and changes in menstrual pattern can also be associated with increased risk for breast cancer.

Of some description, then the things that can cause breast cancer can be categorized into several factors as follows:


Early Age Of Menarche

Expressed early menarche is associated with increased cancer risk. As in developing countries, there has been a shift in the age of 16-17 years to 12-13 years of age. However, approximately 10% reduction in the risk of cancer would occur if every 2-year delay in age menache.
Characteristics of the menstrual cycle of less than 26 days or longer than 31 days during ages 18 to 22 years, and a short menstrual cycle at the age of 30 years is estimated to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
And the late arrival of the menopause can also reduce the risk of breast cancer approximately 3%.

First Pregnancy

The age of first pregnancy at an advanced age, ie> 30 years are more at risk as much as 2x compared to women who had their first pregnancy before the age of 20 years of age. This is because due to the stimulation of maturation of breast cells induced by pregnancy, which makes these cells more sensitive to carcinogenic transformation.

Low Of Parity

In a meta-analysis study, nul lipara women have a 30% risk to develop into cancer than multiparas one.
With the increase of high parity, will decrease the risk of cancer. That’s is  circulating hormone levels during pregnancy can lead to high differentiation of the Terminal Duct-Lobular Unit (TDLU), which is the main place in the transformation process of breast cancer. The process of differentiation of these TDLU protective against breast cancer growth permanently.

Lactation Period

Perfectly lactation is necessary for the development and growth of infants from birth to 2 years old. Positive impact on women who breastfeed exclusively (2 years old) has nonstop stronger effect in warding off the risk of breast cancer, this is due to decreased estrogen levels and the rate of secretion of carcinogenic substances during breastfeeding.


Endogenous Factors

Exposure to endogenous factors in the life of a woman is very influential on the growth of breast cancer cells. That will be accelerated in the event of menstruation before the age of 12 years old and going through menopause after age 55 years.


Oral Contraceptives

Although there is controversy over whether the effect of oral contraceptives in the development of breast cancer cells or not, but some studies claim that oral contraceptives play a role in the increase of cancer cells in premenopausal women, but not in women in the postmenopausal period.

Hormone replacement therapy (Hormone Replacement Theraphy)

It is true that the benefits of this therapy can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and osteoporosis (bone loss), but other adverse effects that will happen is that it can increase the risk of breast cancer is about 30-40%.
To date, there is an increase of 2.3% annually in postmenopausal women who have used it. Therefore, the need for the complete, accurate, and thorough consideration for postmenopausal women to undergo hormone replacement therapy such.

Mammography In Breast Density

Density / breast density is influenced by the amount of connective tissue, the epithelium and the amount of fatty tissue in the breast. The difference in density / density on each woman is different, one such influence 20-30% of menopausal status, genetic predisposition, weight and parity.
Therefore, in women with higher breast density have 2-6 times more risky for developing into cancer, compared with lower breast density.

Alcohol Intake

Intake of alcohol in a long time and routine can affect estrogen activity which increased the number to more than ever, especially in urine and body parts, the skin.
Alcohol can also cause hyperinsulinemia that stimulates the growth factor in breast tissue (insulin-like growth factor), and inhibit the occurrence of spontaneous regression of precancerous lesions during menopause, so the growth of the lesion can be changed from estrogen-dependent to be autonomous.


Obesity is associated with a reduced risk of cancer in pre-menopausal women, but instead will be an increased risk of breast cancer for post-menopausal period with BMI> 26.6 kg/m2 with a level of risk (OR = 1.22) .26

Genetics / Family History

* Family Members With Breast Cancer
Studies show that when a woman has a parent with a history of breast cancer, then certainly he has the same risk. In which cancer cells can develop into cancer by 1.7 to 4.0 times compared to the existing population.
Genetic factors also influenced by factors derived from environmental or genetic interactions. Which can cause a variety of changes in the genes that have been there.
Li Fraumeni syndrome, is a disorder with mutations in the gene p 53, which is a rare condition, in which there are abnormalities such as brain tumors, soft tissue sarcoma and may be associated with breast cancer.
Nonpoliposis colon cancer (Lynch syndrome) have a greater risk for breast cancer occurred compared to the population.
Meanwhile, Cowden's syndrome, mutations in the PTEN gene, cause the clinical manifestations of the skin and increase the risk of breast cancer and thyroid cancer.

* Family Members With a History of Ovarian Cancer
The most common mutations in breast cancer, have a family member with a history of ovarian cancer is in the genes BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. In normal cells, these genes may help to prevent cancer, by producing proteins that can prevent the growth of unusual / abnormal.
Women with mutations in the genes BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, has a 80% chance to develop into breast cancer during her lifetime. Keep in mind, that the breast and ovarian cancer have a closely relationship genetics.
Women with mutations in the genes BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, not only at risk for breast cancer, but also have an equal chance of developing ovarian cancer.

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