Breast Cancer Pictures
Checking Technique.
Although we have not been
affected by breast cancer cells, but tests carried out in the first or early detection,
especially in the breast is highly recommended to prevent other possibilities
that occur that would not we want in the future.
You can do a self-start it if
you feel embarrassed examined by others. However, if necessary it would be nice
if you use the help of others such as trained medical personnel that are
reliable and can be trusted to perform such checks.
Breast Cancer Pictures Checking Technique With Self Examination:
When someone, especially a
woman who has reached puberty and began to experience growth in the breasts,
the breast self-examination should be done. This provides the opportunity for a
woman to understand her body and form good habits for the future will be. Here
are 3 ways that can be practiced at home, along with a summary of the three
First Method (By DA Freedman, Petitti DB, Robins JM. 2004)
Every women aged >20 years
are advised to perform breast self-examination every month.
And in premenopausal women
should undergo after day 5 and day 7 after the menstrual cycle, which at the
time of breast tissue density / density becomes lower.
While in patients belonging to
the high risk are advised to perform breast self-examination while mid
menstrual cycle.
Second Method (By Freedman DA, Petitti DB, Robins JM. 2004)
Breast self-examination is
divided into two sections which include inspection and palpation. By using
mirror, you can stand in front of the mirror that has been prepared and start
breast inspected, while in a standing position with a hand on the side, while
both hands pressed to each other, and while both hands are at waist. The
asymmetric shape of the breast, a mass, and skin retraction can be detected by
using the method this maneuver.
Third Method (By The American Cancer Society)
There are some recommendations
from the cancer community, which include breast self-examination by experts
using a minimum of once every three years between the ages of 20-39 years.
After age 40 years, breast
examination should be performed every year. The doctor in this case need to
give instructions to female patients about breast self-examination techniques
and advise them to report whether the results of the investigation reveal any
masses or other abnormalities.
Well, if you've tried all
three ways mentioned above? I can draw conclusions in conducting breast
examinations and divide it into several important steps that you might try:
- Standing in front of the mirror in order to see the breast more clearly.
- While both hands above his head, check if there are abnormalities in the form of retraction, swelling or redness, inflammation in all parts of both breasts.
- Repeat with both hands placed on the hips.
- Palpation of both breasts with fingers, massaging motion, initially check at 12 o'clock, then 2 o'clock until 12 o'clock back again, feel for lumps. Give pressure ranging from superficial skin up to the breast tissue. The method can be used by quadrants and division of breast palpation done carefully. Also needs to be checked (axilary tail) on each breast.
- Then check out the nipples and the surrounding area. Also need to be pressed gently to see if there is discharge.
- And repeat the palpation examination while lying.
Breast Cancer Pictures Checking Technique Using Medical:
Here are described some pictures
breast cancer checking technique commonly used by medical personnel at
health clinics or in the hospital if you want to get results that are more
accurate and reliable:
1. Breast Cancer Pictures Checking Technique Based On Clinical Breast Examination (CBE) Method
The position of the patient's
direction and the direction of examination by palpation of the CBE. The picture
above shows the lateral part of the breast and the image below shows the medial
part of the breast.
The emphasis on breast
palpation examination. Hand examiner (index finger, finger and finger-3-4) made
three circles, while pressing the breast with different intensity
(subcutaneous, mid-level and up to the chest wall).
Important note breast cancer
pictures checking technique based on CBE method:
In women aged 20-40 years with
CBE is recommended to be done every 3 (three) years. For women who receive
abnormal CBE recommended executed, so it can be ascertained whether there is
likelihood of malignancy of these disorders.
In women with age >40
years, CBE examination needs to be done every year.
2. Breast Cancer Pictures Checking Technique Based On Ultrasonography (USG) Method
If there is a lump in the CBE
examination, then further examination is needed by way of using ultrasound or
Ultrasound is done mainly to
prove the cystic mass and solid / solid leads to malignancy, as well as checks
on women under the age of 40.
3. Breast Cancer Pictures Checking Technique Based On Mammography Method
Performed on asymptomatic
women and women who are asymptomatic (screening opportunistic and organized
Basic checks on the CBE is to
use direct inspection (visual) and palpation to locate abnormalities in the
breast. Both CBE and mammography can be complementary as the early detection of
breast cancer. If the CBE examination found a suspicious lump, it needs to be
evaluated further although at the time of mammography test did not find any
picture of breast cancer masses.
Sensitivity and spesitifitas
CBE also influenced by several factors such as: the inspection (pressure,
pattern and palpation), the patient's condition (state nodules and tissue
density), and tumor characteristics (depth, mobility and size).
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