Monday, 31 December 2012

Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide

Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide .
Several studies have been conducted to evaluate and demonstrate that mammography can be used as a method in the detection of breast cancer. With that statement, that a decrease in the risk of death in women receiving screening, particularly in women aged between 50 years to 69 years of age. However, you also need to know more about screening by using mammography, because there are not only positive effects obtained, but also the negative impact caused by its use.

Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide By Using mamography. What Kinds Of Medical Device Types Is It?

Mammography is the process of examination by using X-ray energies that are low power (usually the power has around 30 kVp), which is used to perform breast. In accordance with its main function is as a diagnostic and screening tool. The purpose of the mammographic equipment in use that as a beginning step in the early detection (early) on cancer cells or other abnormalities that are likely to occur in the breast, as a means to detect the characteristic mass or commonly also called microcalcifications.
The way it works is similar to other x-ray, the mammogram which is use an ionizing radiation in accordance with a particular dose in displaying images. And that's where the radiologist can analyze, to look at the possibility of whether a person's breasts or any anomalies found other abnormalities that are not normal and unusual.

Mammography can also have a negative allegedly false with min.10% level of analysis, this can happen if there is a normal tissue that has united / overlap with cancer cells and at the bottom there is a dense network of breast tissue and cancer that has spread widespread. Several studies from the meta-analysis in certain countries that use screening, an estimated 52% stated yield over-diagnosis.

  • Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide That Should Be Done Before Doing The Test

The breast is compressed by using a special tool mammography during the procedure. Technically, the parallel plate compression of the breast tissue thickness appeared to improve image quality, by reducing the thickness of the tissue to be penetrated by X-rays, in this way the amount of radiation can be reduced, the amount of the dose can be adjusted, and the state holds breast. In the screening, either from the head down to the foot of the craniocaudal, also from the elbow mediolateral oblique image was the breast scans may be taken.

Difficulties that occurred in previous years, screening only be done using the help of screens a film cassette, but now derived ease of technology, the use of a screening tool that has been switched to digital detection devices commonly known as FFDM or digital mammography.
  • Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide Ratio

Which One The Bigger, The Risk Or The Worth One In Undergoing Screening?
Detection of breast cancer is the appropriate action for women who have shown symptoms of the cancer cells, especially the abnormalities that occur in the breast, but the detection is done on healthy women undergoing screening must remain a concern for its users, because it would result in a significant if something goes wrong during the process, or the result of an improper diagnosis that can cause stress in their life.

Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide : The Benefits 
The purpose of the screening procedure to ensure it is correct accurately for patients with breast cancer and also to determine the degree of malignancy of cancer cells, so that patients get immediate treatment measures to more precisely and promptly. Then, patients who have tested positive for breast cancer referred for more intensive inspection, which resulted in the prevention and healing.

Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide : The Risk 
The first risk to a woman or someone that proposed screening would have an impact on psychiatric to the patients which is undergoing on these tests. Why? Because, often happens that patients with suspected of having the breast cancer will perform continuously, and have a negative impact in turn on their mental health. Undeniably, anxiety and excessive worry will descend in their daily lives for several or many years, which would be things that are not good for their health later then.
The second risk, the patient will be lose the cost, if the screening program was carried out more than 1x (one time), but with a negative test result (net of cancer cells). Because, in the 1x test underwent mammography relative cost is not small / means expensive.
Risks that last test execution is the radiation exposure received by the body, especially in women who have no symptoms of breast cancer. Therefore, in general, the radiologist will recommend an MRI or ultrasound prior to the patient's predicted breast cancer disease. The test mammography is the last option if it appears that support possibilities, as already felt some mass in the breast, a positive family history of cancer, and other symptoms that lead to other things that are not normal.
  • Breast Cancer Pictures Screening Guide Fact

Sometimes, the data obtained in undergoing screening will be highly inaccurate, which is due to the amount of dense breast tissue in women who are still young. Therefore, some medical personnel just call women who have reached the age of> 50 years to test this mammogram.

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