Thursday, 10 January 2013

What Does Breast Cancer Feel Like ?

What Does Breast Cancer Feel Like ?
Do you know what does breast cancer feel like ? Eventhough I am not an sufferer of breast cancer, but I will share to you my experience when I was met patients and the doctor at the hospital.

The conversation supposed like this, to give you an understanding to know what does breast cancer feel like.

  • What is a breast examination?
Referred to as breast exams, is to check the size and shape of both breasts, touching the breast tissue and to check if there is discharge from the nipples. In addition, breast examination can also be done by using a tool known as X-ray mammography or you can also use another tool, namely ultrasonography.

  • What is a mammogram?
Mammography is a breast examination by means of X-ray, to be able to find the breast tumor as early as possible. However, if the tool is not available, then the breast examination can be done by yourself regularly and also assisted by trained health personnel.

  • Why to do breast exams?
Breast examination is necessary, to ensure that the breast is normal. Breast examination is also helpful health workers to find certain medical conditions (such as a tumor or infection) that would be the case of very serious if not treated and treated promptly. Many health care workers who would suggest to patients who want to check their breasts regularly checks if someone already sexually active or at the age of 18-20 years.

  • How often should we have to do a breast exam?
Breast exam by yourself (BSE) can be done by yourself anytime. However, it would be better if additional clinical examination when the client reaches the age of 20-30 years, which is conducted every three years. And for over 40 years-old one-time, except when the client has a risk factor, then the inspection done as much as 1 year.

  • How common is breast cancer to population in the world?
Keep in mind, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide (the standard rate for the population of the world is 131100.000).

And, the trigger factors that can increase the development of breast cancer, as contained in the breast cancer signs include:
  1. Aged over 40 years
  2. Clients who have a sibling with a history of breast cancer
  3. The first menses before age 12 years
  4. Do not have / have children after the age of 30 years
  5. Have a history of breast biopsy
  6. Having excess weight

  • Then, what are the signs to look out for?
The signs are visible and the invisible visible by looking at the breast include:
  1. The addition of an unusual breast size
  2. One breast hanging lower than usual
  3. Angled like a dimple on the skin of the breast
  4. Basin or folds on the nipples or areola
  5. Swelling of the upper arm
  6. Changes in the appearance of the nipples
  7. Discharge of liquid such as milk or blood from one nipple
  8. While change can be found when the examination is:
  9. Lump in the breast
  10. Enlarged lymph nodes (lymph nodes) in the neck or aksilia

  • Is breast examination so painful?
Breast examination not so painful. It's just going to be uncomfortable because of someone else touching the breast, no pain or pain.

  • I was afraid to do breast exams, is there any other clients feel the same way?
Very normal if the client feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or even scared at the time of examination. Many clients say that part of the conduct of the examination was when I had to show her breasts to health care workers. Keep in mind, that health workers are highly trained in conducting the examination. In order for the client to feel more comfortable, then the client may be accompanied by other relatives, close friends or female health workers at the time of inspection.

  • Do I have to take off clothes at the time of inspection?
Of course, the client will be required to remove outer clothing, including bra’s, from the waist up. Client can release it in a closed room and covered the body with a cloth before health officials in for a checkup.

  • Can I see what happened during the last breast exam?
Yes, clients just need to see how the breasts checked, and also listen carefully to what the health workers. Clients will also have the opportunity to learn how to do breast examination by themselves.

  • How long does it take while breast examination take place?
Usually breast examination lasts no more than 2-3 minutes. Even the additional time required for 5-10 minutes to teach the client to malakukan breast self-examination.

  • How is a breast self-examination?
Breast self-examination is to learn to see and examine your own breasts monthly. By doing it regularly and periodically, the client can be sure that the conditions are healthy breast.

  • Why breast examination every month is very important to do?
By doing a breast self-examination, clients are also more likely to find a lump or other problems early on (eg, when still small), and when treated will be very effective and easier to do.

Well, how do you respond after reading the above conversation? Have you already started to get an idea of ​​what does breast cancer feel like?

Breast Cancer Signs

Breast Cancer Signs.
What kinds of breast cancer signs that usually appeared to a woman ? And how far that breast cancer signs could give an effect to our body ? Here's his review that you should consider.

7 Breast Cancer Signs That Would Be Dangerous!


Bump In Breast
 Breast cancer was first visible of breast cancer signs in general is a lump that felt very different from the rest of the breast tissue sections.
Why one may say so? Because the fact remains, more than 79% indicate cancer if found a lump in the breast. In addition, if the flow of the lymph nodes in the armpit and around the collar bones there is a lump or swelling, it was not ruled out as a cancer cell.

Here are some types of breast cancer lumps are signs that can be experienced by a woman, you must be careful as cancer cells when it is outside of the two following options:
  1. The Soft Lump
  2. These bumps will be very smooth, which if seen would resemble like grapes, and if the lump is touched position will move, along with a little pain.
  3. This may be caused by the presence of cysts (which resembles a small sac of fluid on the inside), which is usually caused by hormonal changes in the body.
  4. The Hard Bumps
  5. This is usually a hard lump measuring about 1-5 inches, with the age of onset of about 20 to 30 years old.
  6. In the absence of complaints of pain, as well as the hard lumps often change places at the bottom of the skin around the breast, so that the women often think of it as something normal. In fact, it is one of the characteristic lumps fibroadenomas / benign tumors that are not a normal cyst.

Addition of Mass / Volume In Breast

The addition of mass (amount) of the breast is one of the signs that appear when someone starts to develop breast cancer. The addition of mass depends on body condition and lifestyle, can in a relatively short time or in a long time.
But do not worry if you have fibrocystic. That is where the addition of a mass of 1 to 4 inches in both breasts, which comes before the period / menstruation because it is still fairly normal. Which was no other cause is a change in the fluctuation between the combination of progesterone and estrogen hormone that serves to coagulate tissue in the breast.

Different Breast Size

Sizes vary from one breast to the other breast tissue caused by the large number of fat contained in the breast. It is still considered normal and within reasonable limits.
Except there is a significant difference (too much), for example, if one has been hanging breasts become lower than normal. And if this is the case please make checks in person / manual first, as contained in the breast cancer pictures checking technique in order to prevent the spread of cancer cells and minimized with appropriate care.

Indentations in Skin

Grooves on the skin of the breast (which when seen by naked eye or less like grooves dimple), is also a sign of the emergence of cancer cells.

Changes in Areola

Changes in the areola or the nipples, like a basin, folds, wrinkles, putting an upside down position, surrounding rash or other changes with the advent of fluids such as blood or milk (white color) from one nipple or areola, which will eventually be the growth of cancer cells and eventually spread throughout the breast.


If the upper arm feels sore and swollen, and after treatment does not heal well, then you must be careful, because who knew it was not normal but pain sore breast cancer cells that have already begun.

Enlarged lymph nodes

The Position Of Lymph Nodes In Breast
The occurrence of enlarged lymph nodes (lymph nodes) in the head, or neck aksilia is a recent breast cancer signs.
This is because due to the failure of the defense to protect the body against infection and disease, either from attacks that originate outside the body or from the body.

Then for the patient of breast cancer.  
What does breast cancer feel like specifically?
Appears inflammation of the breast, redness and warmth appear around the breast, an itch that does not go away, swelling, pain, an inverted nipple, and pore texture changes such as orange peel, all of that leads to the kind of inflammatory breast cancer.
Meanwhile, if the skin on the breast redness and flaking occurs on the skins of putting (eczematoid), itching, tingling, pain as burning, more sensitivity than usual and there is fluid that comes from putting all leads to a complex type Paget Breast.

Hopefully some explanations about breast cancer signs above can help you in knowing the early signs that indicate cancer.

Let us increase early breast care, by sharing knowledge, periodic inspection, and to encourage the sufferer to be more passion in their life. if you accord with me, share this article to people you care about.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Breast Cancer Pictures Precautionary

Breast Cancer Pictures Precautionary.
In the event of a delay in the provision of treatment for people with breast cancer, the treatment measures sometimes can not provide satisfactory results. Therefore, effective prevention and has a lower risk / safer would be an important step and better than therapy using cytotoxic agents and radiation techniques, although it will be effective, but pointed out can cause a variety of effects addition to its users.

Breast Cancer Pictures Precautionary Program

In general, there are three approaches that can be used in reducing the level of malignancy of breast cancer, which is as follows:

Breast Cancer Pictures Precautionary By Reducing The Risk Factor

Breast cancer precautionary by reducing the risk factor is a good step in reducing the incidence of breast cancer. Women who belong to the low to medium risk, need to pay attention to their lifestyle as a healthy lifestyle style has a very important role in lowering risk of breast cancer. 

How that can be taken include:
  • Control your weight according to body mass index is normal
  • Lowering alcohol consumption
  • Lowering consumption of cigarettes
  • Reducing radiation exposure
  • Exercising in accordance with the condition of the body on a regular basis


Breast Cancer Pictures Precautionary By Using Chemotherapy

  • Chemotherapy Using Tamoxifen
Usefulness of tamoxifen in preventing the development of invasive breast cancer risk in a population with high risk. Tamoxifen an agent that is a nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator that has been widely used in breast cancer therapy.
Use tamoxigen lower cancer risk by 44% in women aged 49 years or younger, 51% in women aged 50-59 years, and 55% in women aged 60 years or more. Meanwhile, in women with atypical hiperlapsia decreased their risk by 86%. Tamoxifen also reduce the risk of noninvasive cancers by 50% (p <0.002). Although tamoxifen had no effect on the incidence of ER-negative tumors, apparently tamoxifen reduced the incidence of ER-positive tumors by up to 69% when compared to the placebo population.

Side effects:
So far the side effects of tamoxifen can be tolerated, but in some cases can lead to endometrial cancer and vascular diseases related to the number of events is very rare though. The symptoms that mimic estrogen deficiency increased by about 5-20% in women receiving tamoxifen. This is a side effect that is most common in premenopausal women.
Another side effect is increased risk of fracture due to decreased bone density, vaginal discharge / bleeding, increased risk of cataracts with minimal incidence rate.
  • Chemotherapy Using Raloxifene
Raloxifene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, which works either as agonists or antagonists to estrogen. This agent has been shown to prevent and treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
Raloxifene is almost similar to tamoxifen, which they both have the effect of lowering the risk of ER-positive tumors.

Side effects:
Raloxifene can be tolerated in doses of 60mg per day or as directed. Raloxifene can not deal with the symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency and causes a slight increase in the frequency of hot flashes. Raloxifene also increases the frequency of vascular disease, including pulmonary embolism and deep-vein thrombosis.
Raloxifene may lower total cholesterol levels as much as 6% and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 12%, but did not increase the level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.


Breast Cancer Pictures Precautionary By Using Surgery For Prophylaxis

  • Bilateral Mastectomy
Marsektomi prophylaxis has been identified as a potential approach to reduce the risk of breast cancer. In a cohort study with analysis of 639 women with a high risk of breast cancer, bilateral mastectomy can reduce the death rate from breast cancer by 90%.
Although many women who have prophylactic mastectomy, but 5 to 20% reported dissatisfaction, especially in the absence of sensation in the nipples. Prophylactic mastectomy is the right choice for women who include daslam high-risk groups.
  • Bilateral Oophorectomy
Based on the observational studies, the transactions are carried out bilateral oophorectomy before the age of menopause, it can reduce cancer risk by 22-50% in  the breast. However, in another study, said that the action was not significantly related to the risk of contralateral breast cancer. In women who have BRCA 1 genetic mutation carriers, bilateral oophorektomi associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer by 50%.
Meanwhile, in women with a genetic mutation in the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, which are at high risk for ovarian cancer, said that the surgery be oophorektomi lowers the risk by 50%. Although further research is needed, bilateral oophorektomi may be an option for premenopausal women with a high risk of breast cancer.

The conclusion?

The conclusion of the discussion of breast cancer pictures precautionary above are:
  1. By doing primary prevention
  2. Promotion of healthy lifestyles and education
  3. Avoiding risk factors (family history, no children, no breastfeeding, history of previous benign tumor, obesity, high-fat eating habits, but less fiber, active and passive smokers, the use of hormonal drugs for >5years).
  4. With Perform Secondary Prevention
  5. Realize the breast cancer pictures precautionary
  6. Clinical breast examination (CBE / Clinical Breast Examination), to find a lump, measuring less than 1 cm.
  7. Ultrasound, to determine the boundaries of a tumor of this type of tumor
  8. Mammography, for the detection of abnormalities before any symptoms of the tumor and the presence of malignancy
  9. By doing tertiary prevention
  10. Hospital services (diagnosis and treatment)
  11. Palliative care

To get to know more about breast cancer, please see also the discussion on: