Thursday, 10 January 2013

What Does Breast Cancer Feel Like ?

What Does Breast Cancer Feel Like ?
Do you know what does breast cancer feel like ? Eventhough I am not an sufferer of breast cancer, but I will share to you my experience when I was met patients and the doctor at the hospital.

The conversation supposed like this, to give you an understanding to know what does breast cancer feel like.

  • What is a breast examination?
Referred to as breast exams, is to check the size and shape of both breasts, touching the breast tissue and to check if there is discharge from the nipples. In addition, breast examination can also be done by using a tool known as X-ray mammography or you can also use another tool, namely ultrasonography.

  • What is a mammogram?
Mammography is a breast examination by means of X-ray, to be able to find the breast tumor as early as possible. However, if the tool is not available, then the breast examination can be done by yourself regularly and also assisted by trained health personnel.

  • Why to do breast exams?
Breast examination is necessary, to ensure that the breast is normal. Breast examination is also helpful health workers to find certain medical conditions (such as a tumor or infection) that would be the case of very serious if not treated and treated promptly. Many health care workers who would suggest to patients who want to check their breasts regularly checks if someone already sexually active or at the age of 18-20 years.

  • How often should we have to do a breast exam?
Breast exam by yourself (BSE) can be done by yourself anytime. However, it would be better if additional clinical examination when the client reaches the age of 20-30 years, which is conducted every three years. And for over 40 years-old one-time, except when the client has a risk factor, then the inspection done as much as 1 year.

  • How common is breast cancer to population in the world?
Keep in mind, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide (the standard rate for the population of the world is 131100.000).

And, the trigger factors that can increase the development of breast cancer, as contained in the breast cancer signs include:
  1. Aged over 40 years
  2. Clients who have a sibling with a history of breast cancer
  3. The first menses before age 12 years
  4. Do not have / have children after the age of 30 years
  5. Have a history of breast biopsy
  6. Having excess weight

  • Then, what are the signs to look out for?
The signs are visible and the invisible visible by looking at the breast include:
  1. The addition of an unusual breast size
  2. One breast hanging lower than usual
  3. Angled like a dimple on the skin of the breast
  4. Basin or folds on the nipples or areola
  5. Swelling of the upper arm
  6. Changes in the appearance of the nipples
  7. Discharge of liquid such as milk or blood from one nipple
  8. While change can be found when the examination is:
  9. Lump in the breast
  10. Enlarged lymph nodes (lymph nodes) in the neck or aksilia

  • Is breast examination so painful?
Breast examination not so painful. It's just going to be uncomfortable because of someone else touching the breast, no pain or pain.

  • I was afraid to do breast exams, is there any other clients feel the same way?
Very normal if the client feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or even scared at the time of examination. Many clients say that part of the conduct of the examination was when I had to show her breasts to health care workers. Keep in mind, that health workers are highly trained in conducting the examination. In order for the client to feel more comfortable, then the client may be accompanied by other relatives, close friends or female health workers at the time of inspection.

  • Do I have to take off clothes at the time of inspection?
Of course, the client will be required to remove outer clothing, including bra’s, from the waist up. Client can release it in a closed room and covered the body with a cloth before health officials in for a checkup.

  • Can I see what happened during the last breast exam?
Yes, clients just need to see how the breasts checked, and also listen carefully to what the health workers. Clients will also have the opportunity to learn how to do breast examination by themselves.

  • How long does it take while breast examination take place?
Usually breast examination lasts no more than 2-3 minutes. Even the additional time required for 5-10 minutes to teach the client to malakukan breast self-examination.

  • How is a breast self-examination?
Breast self-examination is to learn to see and examine your own breasts monthly. By doing it regularly and periodically, the client can be sure that the conditions are healthy breast.

  • Why breast examination every month is very important to do?
By doing a breast self-examination, clients are also more likely to find a lump or other problems early on (eg, when still small), and when treated will be very effective and easier to do.

Well, how do you respond after reading the above conversation? Have you already started to get an idea of ​​what does breast cancer feel like?